Many people ask, should I rent a piano before I buy one? or even, should I rent a piano instead of buying one altogether?
The answer to both is yes, and no, simply put there are different programs available and everyone’s specific circumstances must be addressed to fit those needs.
The multiple scenarios demand multiple solutions, so let us discuss them one by one.
The answer to “should I rent instead of buying?” is the easiest to address so let cover that first.
One instance when renting is the better option is when you know you are going to be in a location only for a short time.
If you find yourself in a situation where you move very often but need to practice on a real acoustic instrument, rather than a digital piano, renting is your best option.
This, however, can be a costly situation because all acoustic short period rentals involve two expensive moves, in and out. That combined with the higher rates charged for short term rent to rent contracts can add up to a pricey bill.
Another rental program that is sometimes offered is the long term rent to rent contract. This is a better option than the short-term situation because the moving costs are amortized over a longer period and the monthly rental fees can be lower.
This long-term rental program can be a good fit in certain situations but still all the money you have paid into it like any rental is gone.
The best program value is the rent to own option. This is similar to the rent-to-rent option but specifies that if you convert to sale within a specified amount of time usually six months to a year, all the money you have invested in the rental fees goes towards any piano of your choice and in some cases, there is no delivery fee for the swap.
In any case, our team at Southwest Pianos will find the best solution for you. So, if renting sounds like the right choice for you, let’s chat!
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The piano, a majestic instrument with over 200 years of history, comes in various shapes and sizes to fit the needs of different musicians and spaces. From the grand stage to the cozy living room, there’s a piano for every setting.